Riverwalk Brewing

Branding / Identity / Packaging / Web

In an increasingly crowded craft beer market, a growing brewery needed a brand that would stand out not only for its quality beers but for the story behind them.

Craft Meets Craft
The branding we developed for RiverWalk Brewing was playful and unique, blending modern design elements with a nod to old-world brewing traditions. The packaging was designed to be fun and whimsical, yet it maintained a sophisticated level of craftsmanship that reflected the brewing process. The visual identity highlighted RiverWalk’s craft beer legacy, but also embraced the creativity and storytelling that made each beer special.

A Peek Behind the Curtain

We developed a website that not only relayed the critical information their audience wanted, but we sprinkled in mission oriented content along with some hidden Easter eggs to maintain the fun brand persona.